This weeks photo challenge is "Random Act of Kindness." I know to some this might seem silly & will have much more compelling stories to tell. But here is my story of an act of kindness, and quite often think what would have become of Fred had I not saved him that day....Here at Fred's blog it's more or less a story of a little lost bunny that found a home...I started his blog because not only because of the strange circumstances or a rabbit, but just simply because of the love that he has brought to our family. I try to capture these moments using my love for photography and hope to share with those who will follow his story :)
It had been about 2 years since our beloved dog Lacey had passed prematurely at the young age of only 7...I have always and will forever refer to her as being my first baby...were in the process of perhaps introducing another dog into our family. But finally after much deliberation we decided that the time just wasn't right...I'm such an animal lover and felt so lost without having a pet in my life....It's something that I really can't put into words and I'm sure most can't even relate too.
Anyway, the story began exactly 1 year ago on a hot July day... It was a day like any other going to pick up my son from summer school. Well, it was on the way out when me and my daughter spotted him through the sliding glass door window out to our backyard. OK, first thought, yikes, you don't belong out there! He had been the biggest whitest rabbit I've ever seen. So, upstairs I ran, arming myself with some celery. Outside I went with vegetables in hand, thinking please still be there, please still be there... well, he was :) Now, doing a very poor imitation of how a bunny would sound, bending down coaxing him towards me, slowly & cautiously he hopped towards me, I swept him up & he's been mine ever since!
Here he is looking quite the mess....his fur was incredibly nappy and took several months for him to be entirely free of the "clumps & fur balls:P"
And he was so scared, poor little guy :( It took a long time even before he let us pet him. But soon he became more comfortable with all of us, even letting the kids coddle him and spoil him... He's kept in a downstairs room of our bi-level house and for months just looked up at our stairs not knowing quite what to think of them :O
He soon learned that there was a whole other part of the house that he could explore!
Here's one of my favorite shots of him and Maddie
He really has become the worlds best pet...LOL, and had you asked me a year ago that I would have a pet rabbit...I would have said you were off your rocker!!!
There are sooo many pictures of my Fred and to date remains one of my most favorite subjects to shoot :D