Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Cleanest Rabbit on the Block

Maddie & I just ran down stairs last night to hang out with Fred, see if he were up for a few pictures... Little did I know that it was bath night for him. (I know, poor guy, no privacy :/) He didn't seem to mind anyway.


That's it, Mamma's always said to clean real good behind your ears.


and don't forget those hard to reach spots....



Yup....missed a spot...


  1. No way! A blog all about a bunny rabbit! Haha, he's so cool! You have some really nice shots too. Years back I had a rabbit at the apartment that I'd lived at. I kept him in an enclosed porch and I'd let him in to run around inside each night after work. They're really funny and they have little personalities. I eventually had to give him away. He was a great pet though!..

  2. I just found your little bunny blog here! He's so so sweet! How do you get such great pics of him? My Lilly can't sit still for more than half a second, so I only have about 2 decent photos of her!! =) x

  3. Fred, you are just too adorable. You look so handsome after you bath and you are right about always washing behind your ears. Thanks for sharing. Have a great rest of your day.
    World of Animals
